Graduate Students' Association

GSA Team

Picture of  David Ohene-Amoako

David Ohene-Amoako
President, MSc Student

Picture of  Lindsay Carlson

Lindsay Carlson
Vice-President Finance and Operations, PhD Candidate

Picture of  Nickson Joseph

Nickson Joseph
Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs, PhD Candidate

Picture of  Jennifer Amarualik-Yaremko

Jennifer Amarualik-Yaremko
Vice-President Indigenous Engagement, MA Student

Picture of  Reza Golpayegani

Reza Golpayegani
Vice-President of External Affairs, MSc Student

Picture of  Shaily Tandekar

Shaily Tandekar
GSA Council Chair, MSc Student

Picture of  Arman Heydari

Arman Heydari
GSA Council Recording Secretary, MSc Student

Picture of  Prince Sobere  George

Prince Sobere George
Coordinator, MSs Student

Picture of  Seyedeh Zohreh Sadati

Seyedeh Zohreh Sadati
Coordinator, MSc Student

Picture of  Esther Adeola-Gold

Esther Adeola-Gold
Coordinator, MSc Student

Picture of  Sahand Saed

Sahand Saed
Coordinator, MSc Student