
In 1981-82, the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) established an Academic Council system. Academic Councils act as mini-associations within the GSA and are made up of students from one or more departments who share common interests. Each Academic council elects / appoints representatives to attend the GSA General Council meetings, which are usually held monthly. General Council meetings provide these diverse groups with a platform through which they can communicate their concerns to other graduate students, the University, various political and national organizations and provincial and national governments. An Academic Council can also provide the basis for academic and social interaction among its students. To this end, the GSA allocates a portion of its total budget to Academic Councils who meet the constitutional requirements and whose representatives regularly attend General Council Meetings.

To get involved in the GSA Council, please visit https://gsa.usask.ca/Governance/council/academic-councils.php

There are many ways you can get involved in the work of the GSA. You can run for a position on the GSA Council through your department or college, you can join a GSA committee or volunteer for a position on a University committee as a graduate student representative of the GSA.

Look for calls for volunteers on activities and projects throughout the year or feel free to propose ideas to the GSA Executive members.

Please note: Academic Council registration is valid from September - August of each academic year. Academic Council’s must re-register every academic year. 

The GSA encourages the academic council and student groups to follow the democratic process while electing executive committee members.

Council Registration

  • A Councillor must be a Regular Member of the Association, and a member of
    their respective Academic Council.
  • A Councillor cannot be a member of the Association Staff or Executive.
  • A Councillor shall not represent two different Academic Councils.
  • The number of Councillors, with voting rights, for an Academic Council is
    determined by the Voting Councillor Allocation, as defined in Bylaw 1.5.

  • An Alternate Councillor must be a Regular Member of the Association, and a
    member of their respective Academic Council.
  • An Alternate Councillor cannot be a member of the Association Staff or
  • An Alternate Councillor shall not represent two different Academic Councils.
  • If a Councillor is unable to attend a Council Meeting, their Academic Council
    may send an existing registered Alternate Councillor in their place. In the event
    that a registered Alternate Councillor is also unavailable, a designated
    representative of the Academic Council may attend the meeting as long as the
    Council Chair is notified ahead of time.
  • The Alternate Councillor, or the designated representative of the Academic
    Council, shall be given the voting rights of the Councillor they are replacing.

The duties of a Councillor shall include, but are not limited to:

  • Representing their Academic Council.
  • Attending all Council Meetings.
  • Participating on Association Standing Committees, if desired.
  • Ensuring the well-being of the Association.
  • Being familiar with all governing documents, including the Saskatchewan Non-Profit Corporation Act, 1995, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the Association’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.

To apply, please fill out the Academic Council Application form.

Please attach a void cheque as well as the constitution of your Academic Council to this application.

Please provide a supporting document from your respective department or college (whichever is applicable) showing the exact number of the graduate students within your respective council at the time of ratification.

The above documents must be submitted via email to the GSA Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs at gsa.as@usask.ca, and ensure to copy the GSA Administrator at gsa.admn@usask.ca

Attention: GSA Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs

1337 College Dr, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W6

Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM


Please Note:

  • Academic Councillors who are unable to attend a Council meeting and who do not have alternates to attend on their behalf must notify the GSA Council Chair (gsa.chair@usask.ca). Attendance records are kept and it is very important that you are signed in at each meeting. Please bring your student ID card to each meeting for attendance verification. 

  • The Voting Councillor Allocation for an Academic Council will be based on the most recent University census. Voting Councillor Allocation for each Academic Council will be:

    • One (1) for an Academic Council containing less than one hundred (100) Regular Members.

    • Two (2) for an Academic Council containing one hundred (100) or more Regular Members.

  • Academic Councils must be re-ratified each academic year and may submit ratification forms beginning in September.

The format (Virtual/In-person) of the council meeting will be notified by the GSA Council Chair following GSA ByLaws and policies.   

June 26, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2024 Special General Meeting
November 27, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2024 Council Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2025 Annual General Meeting Minutes

Academic Council Department/College Representative  
Chemistry Course council (CCC) Chemistry/College of Arts & Science

Nasrin Aliasgharlou

Vi Phan(Alternate)

Plant Sciences Graduate Students' Association 
Plant Sciences, Agriculture and Bioresources

Sainey Ceesay

Suma Ghosh (Alternate)

Nursing Graduate Student Association (NGSA)

College of Nursing

Jordan Sherstobitoff

Catherine Lavigne

Sarah Karwacki Solie


Geneveave Barbo


College of Medicine Graduate Student Society (CMGSS)

College of Medicine

Mary Lazell-Wright

Rachel Harris

Zoe Schipper

Elyse Proulx-Cullen

Farnoosh Tabatabaeian(Alternate)

Shima Hozhabrimahani (Alternate)

School of Environmental and Sustainability Students’ Association(SENSSA)

School of Environment and Sustainability

Chelsea Ohenewaa Nyarko

Aisha Adelah


Soil Science Graduate Students Association
Soil Science

Landon Orenchuk

Tristan Chambers(Alternate)

Biology Graduate Student Association

College of Arts and Science

Shuqi Ren

Ilsa Griebel (Alternate)

Lynsey Bent (Alternate)

Sociology Graduate Student Association
Sociology/ College of Arts and Science

Meaghan Boily

Leah Houseman(Alternate)

Kayla Arisman(Alternate)

College of Kinesiology Graduate Society

College of Kinesiology

Kevin Mageto

Karissa Johnson(Alternate)

Engineering Graduate Community Council

College of Engineering

Mohammad Salimi

Blessing Ekwueme Faith

Siddhartha Gollamudi

Maliheh Heravi

Pabitra Chandra Das

Ehsan Samimi Sohrforozani


Hossein Nezhadian

Kathryn Avery

Corwyn Shomachuk

Geography and Planning Graduate Council

Geography and Planning

Emily Ireland

Prakash Sapkota (Alternate)

English Course Council

Department of English 

Parastoo Tahmasbi 

Gwen Rose (Alternate)

Physical Therapy Student Society (PTSS)

School of Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Medicine



Tyler Blanchette

Carter Frerichs (Alternate)




School of Public Health Students’ Association (SPHSA)


School of Public Health



Somayeh Abdi

Jacyln Edwards

Ahmed Muftah (Alternate)

Computer Science Graduate Council (CSGC)


Computer Science


Thulani Hewavithana

Norah Ridley

Mumtahina Ahmed (Alternate)

Toxicology Graduate Student Association (TGSA)


Alexandra Cullen

Emily Kennedy (Alternate) 

Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy Student Association

Johnson Shoyama Graduate School

Harjot Tur-harjot

Bazal Khalid (Alternate)


Physics & Engineering Physics

Jeisson A. Vanegas Carranza

Nicholas Simonson (Alternate)


Academic Council Department/College Representative  Email        
Animal Poultry Science Graduate Students'Association (APSGSA) Animal Poultry Science
  1. Megan Dubois – President (megan.dubois@usask.ca) (GSA Councillor)
  2. Gus Halibert – Vice President (gus.halibert@usask.ca) (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  3. Jourdyn Sammons – Secretary (jrs994@usask.ca)
  4. Beatriz Montenegro – Treasurer (beatriz.montenegro@usask.ca)

yet to receive

Biology Graduate Students' Association (BGSA) College of Arts and Science.
  1. Ayicia Nabigon – President (GRAD) – Ayicia.nabigon@usask.ca (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  2. Munzurul Hassan, Vice President (GRAD)
    – munzurul.hassan@usask.ca
  3. Basirat Liadi-Azeez – Treasurer (GRAD)
    – basirat.azeez@usask.ca
  4. Md Helal Uddin – Secretary (GRAD)
    – grk806@usask.ca
  5. Portia Mohrbutter – GSA Councillor (GRAD ) – jpm629@usask.ca
  6. Lindsay Carlson – GSC Rep (GRAD) Lindsay.carlson@usask.ca
  7. Carter Stoelzel – GSC Rep (GRAD)
    – carter.stoelzel@usask.ca
  8. Julia Flett – Web Master (GRAD) – Julia.flett@usask.ca
  9. Levi Bettencourt – Social Committee (GRAD)
    – levi.bettencourt@usask.ca
  10. Sravan Kumar Putnala – Social Committee (GRAD) -ark431@usask.ca
  11. Mohsin Ali – Social Committee (GRAD) – ali.mohsin@usask.ca
Chemistry Course Council (CCC)

College of Arts and Science

  1. Ozra Mohammadi (President, ozra.mohammadi@usask.ca)
  2. Marco Justino (VP External Ops, wvj068@usask.ca) (GSA Councillor)
  3. Loza Taghavi (VP Internal Ops, loza.taghavi@usask.ca) (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  4. Jaydeep Kumar (VP Treasurer, jaydeep.kumar@usask.ca )
  5. Pedro Augusto Souza (VP Communication, pedro.souza@usask.ca)

College of Kinesiology Graduate Society (CKGS)

College of Medicine

  1. Karissa Johnson – Chair (GSA Alternate Councillor) – k.johnson@usask.ca
  2. Matthew Chapelski – GSA Councillor – m.chapelski@usask.ca
  3. Megan Tomyn – Treasurer – megan.tomyn@usask.ca
  4. Sunny Bui – Communication Director - sunny.bui@usask.ca
  5. Evan Boechler – Student Engagement Director – evan.boechler@usask.ca
  6. Kristina Sobolewski – Student Engagement Director -
  7. Aryan Kurniawan – Academic Coordinator – jackson.lordall@usask.c

yet to receive

College of Medicine Graduate Student Society (CMGSS)

College of Medicine

  1. 1. Jared Price-Co-president-jared.price@usask.ca-jdp369
  2. Taylor Dzikowski-Co-President-uyc271@usask.ca-uyc271
  3. Mary Lazell-Wright-VP Communications-marylazellwright@gmail.com-mgl430
  4. Rachel Harris – VP Internal-reh985@usask.ca-reh985
  5. Emily Hein – VP Finance-emily.hein@usask.ca-hsp701
  6. Nayoung Kim- VP Student Affairs-nayoung.kim@usask.ca-nak769
  7. Kundanuka Mukherjee – VP Academic-kum581@usask.ca-kum581
  8. Breanne Bevelander – EDI EDI Representative-breanne.bevelander@usask.ca-bbb509

    GSA Councillors
    Andy Kim – thz769@usask.ca - thz769

    Shirley Yu – nrz152@usask.ca – nrz152

    Samiul Chowdhury – znp926@usask.ca – znp926

    Sara Dalkilic – sara.suna.dalkilic@usask.ca ztj371

    GSA Alternate Councillors
    Rylan Bahrey - rdb975@usask.ca – rbd975

    Adrielle Souza – adrielle.lira@usask.ca – sve846
Computer Science Graduate Council (CSGC)
Computer Science
  1. Md Shamimur Rahman, President (mdr614@usask.ca)
  2. Khairul Alam, VP Finance (kha060@usask.ca)
  3. Suborno Deb Bappon, VP Internal (suborno.deb@usask.ca)
  4. Tzu-ling Liu (Chloe), VP Social (ywa826@usask.ca)
  5. Md Zahidul Islam (Zahid), VP Social (eqm971@usask.ca)
  6. Mary-fidelma Chioma Ndupu (Mary), M.Sc. Representative (uey953@mail.usask.ca)

    Note: GSA Councillor will be someone
    temporary until they finalize


Engineering Graduate Community Council (EGCC)

College of Engineering
  1. President: Bashu Gautam (Email: bashu.gautam@usask.ca)
  2. VP Communication: Sara Nath (Email: njx431@mail.usask.ca)
  3. VP Academic: Asutosh Dalai (Email: asd268@mail.usask.ca)
  4. VP Students: Anukul Basnet (Email: anukul.basnet@usask.ca)
  5. VP Finance: Parvaneh Koranian (Email: p.koranian@usask.ca)

    GSA Councillors
    Electrical Engineering- Deepa Upadhyaya Subedi deepa.subedi@usask.ca

    Biomedical Engineering- Danyil Dmytriiev hyv725@mail.usask.ca

    Mechanical Engineering- Kiranbir Kaur zet138@mail.usask.ca

    Chemical Engineering- Parvaneh Koranian p.koranian@usask.ca

    Biological Engineering- Sumana Majumder sumana.majumder@usask.ca

    Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering- Anukul Basnet

    GSA Alternate Councillors
    Electrical Engineering- Bashu Gautam bashu.gautam@usask.ca

    Biomedical Engineering- Bashu Gautam bashu.gautam@usask.ca

    Mechanical Engineering- Faizan Ansari kyx439@mail.usask.ca

    Chemical Engineering- Sara Nath njx431@mail.usask.ca

    Biological Engineering- Emmanuel Ezechinyelu emmanuel.ezechinyelu@usask.ca

    Civil, Geological and Environmental Engineering- Bashu Gautam

yet to receive

English Course Council (EGC)
Department of English
  1. Nicole Jacobson (President, nicole.jacobson@usask.ca)
  2. Haonan Yang (VP finance, ans081@usask.ca)
  3. Jenna Miller (Fieldstone Review Editor in Chief, jmm258@usask.ca)
  4. Lydie Hua (GSA Councillor, jwa012@usask.ca)
  5. Gwen Rose (GSA Alternate Councillor, gwen.rose@usask.ca)


Nursing Graduate Student Association (NGSA)

College of Nursing

  1. President - Jordan Sherstobitoff - rpx932@mail.usask.ca (GSA Councillor)
  2. Vice Chair Administraion - Hayen Chei Luri auj391@mail.usask.ca (GSA Alternate Councillor
  3. Anti-Racism Chair - Ewurabena Sacky-Forson - eks325@usask.ca (GSA Councillor)
  4. Vice Chair Finance - Sarah Solie -sarah.solie@usask.ca
  5. Alumni Chair - Catherine Lavigne - phr345@mail.usask.ca
  6. MN Student Rep, International Student Chair - Stella Aluko- jyq294@usask.ca - (GSA
    Alternate Councillor
  7. MN Student Rep, Vice Chair Internal Affairs - Kristen Witter -
    kristen.witter@usask.ca- (GSA Alternate Councillor
  8. Accessibility and Inclusion Chair - Aja Toshe - bqh314@mail.usask.ca

yet to receive

Plant Sciences Graduate Students' Association (PSGSA)

Plant Sciences, Agriculture and Bioresources

  1. President - Jeremy Irvine - jeremy.irvine@usask.ca
  2. Vice President - Daphnée Ferland - daf016@usask.ca
  3. Treasurer - Quinn Sturby - quinn.sturby@usask.ca
  4. Secretary - Kara Glor - kyq341@usask.ca
  5. Faculty Liaison - Krishan Shah - krs057@usask.ca
  6. Social Coordinator - Laura Carruthers - lac589@usask.ca
  7. Social Coordinator - Rodensky Teramene - sgp314@usask.ca
  8. GSA Councillor - Luke Dojack - l.dojack@usask.ca
  9. Industry Liaison - Muhammad Rizwan - rug953@usask.ca
  10. Social Media Manager - Ana Azevedo - acp263@usask.ca

yet to receive

Physical Therapy Student Society (PTSS)

School of Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Medicine

  1. Secretary: Sharisa Grimwood smg851@mail.usask.ca
  2. Treasurer: Kirsten Cory kmc558@mail.usask.ca
  3. Class Representatives: Angelle Avery jmi508@mail.usask.ca; Ben Grundmanis
  4. Patrick Janzen-Brown paj620@mail.usask.ca (GSA Councillor)
  5. Taya Stang tjs153@mail.usask.ca (GSA Alternate Councillor)

 yet to receive

Physics and Engineering Physics Graduate Association of Students at the University of Saskatchewan (PEGASUS

Physics & Engineering Physics

  1. President: Jeisson A. Vanegas Carranza, Email:jav674@usask.ca
  2. Vicepresident: Nicholas Simonson Email: Nicholas.simonson@usask.ca
  3. Treasurer: Siyuan Li, Email: siyuan.li@usask.ca
  4. Officer: Mona Zolghadrshojaee, Email: mona.zolghadrshojaee@usask.ca

School of Environmental and Sustainability Students’ Association (SENSSA)

School of Environmental and  Sustainability


  1. Jethro Opara - qai431@usask.ca - President (GSA Councillor)
  2. Nelly Ataawomba Afuubi - naa158@usask.ca - Vice president
  3. Jabed Chowdhury - jry043@usask.ca - Treasurer
  4. Anas Ibinu Ansari - Anas.Ibinu@usask.ca - Secretary
  5. Chelsea Ohenewaa Nyarko – gwf659@usask.ca – gwf659 (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  6. Nishat Tasnim Takya - nishat.takya@usask.ca - Webmaster and Communications Coordinator


School of Public Health Students’ Association (SPHSA)


School of Public Health


  1. President: Bilal Bare (bilal.bare@usask.ca)
  2. VP: Wasim Al-Khanati (waa113@usask.ca) GSA Councillor
  3. Academic: Isfar Chowdhry (isc770@mail.usask.ca) GSA Alternate Councillor
  4. Finance: Shamsudeen Yusuf Ma’aruf (bib361@usask.ca)
  5. Communications (2): Mitchell Chivaura (mrg756@mail.usask.ca) and Precious Rufus
  6. External(2) : Omar Bardouh (okb505@mail.usask.ca) GSA Councillor and Theresa Agbeyei
    (hqu854@mail.usask.ca) GSA Councillor
  7. Student Life Officer (2): Kornelia Kaminska (kok236@usask.ca) And Nizar Adio
  8. Online Officer: Masooma Kashef (xfn473@mail.usask.ca)
  9. Member at Large (2):Ayoub Hassan (aah716@mail.usask.ca) and Sakshi Meda


Sociology Graduate Students' Association (SGSA)


Sociology/ Arts and Science

  1. Meaghan Boily, President & Treasurer, meg.boily@usask.ca, zod975. (GSA Councillor)
  2. Leah Houseman, VP , ljh440, leah.houseman@usask.ca , (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  3. Stephanie Lenz Secretary, ssl905, ssl905@usask.ca , (GRAD)
  4. Chantelle Dagley, VP Student Affairs, hua197, hua197@usask.ca (GRAD)

Soil Science Graduate Students' Association (SSGA)

 Soil Science

  1. Levi Lundell (Co-president, VP academic, levi.lundell@usask.ca)
  2. Olivia Yurach (Co-president, VP finance, olivia.yurach@usask.ca)
  3. Andrea Cline (VP Communications, andrea.cline@usask.ca (GSA Councillor)
  4. Chloe Canning (VP operations, chloe.canning@usask.ca) (GSA Alternate Councillor)
  5. Ella Hydomako (VP Social, ejh459@mail.usask.ca)

yet to receive

Toxicology Graduate Student Association (TGSA)


  1. Summer Selinger – President and VP Communications (GSA Alternate Councillor) –
  2. Catherine Roberts – Vice President – cjr547@mail.usask.ca
  3. Emily Kennedy – VP Finance – emily.kennedy@usask.ca
  4. Hanna Ulmer – VP Operations – hanna.ulmer@usask.ca
  5. Evan Kohlman – VP Operations and VP Sports – evan.kohlman@usask.ca
  6. Matthew Schultz – VP Academic – matthew.schultz@usask.ca
  7. Chantel De Lange – VP Social and GSA Councillor
  8. Blake Hunnie – VP Fundraising – hkc832@mail.usask.ca
  9. Juleanne Flores – Safety Committee Representative – juleanne.flores@usask.ca

History Graduate Student Association

History, Arts and Science

  1. Jessy Lee Saas – Chair - jessylee.saas@usask.ca
  2. Harris Ford – Member at Large - hff233@usask.ca
  3. Justin Fisher – Member at Large - justin.fisher@usask.ca
  4. Derek Cameron – Faculty Liaison - dhc115@mail.usask.ca
  5. Kiegan Lloyd – GSA Councillor - kiegan.lloyd@usask.ca
  6. Rhianne Billard – Social Media Coordinator - ryb111@mail.usask.ca
  7. Kiera Mitchel – Member at Large - kiera.mitchell@usask.ca

yet to receive 

Geography and Planning Graduate Council Geography and Planning Department
  1. Emily Ireland (President, GSA Councillor, eai513@usask.ca) (GRAD)
  2. Krishna Kolen (Vice-President, Social Representative, krishna.kolen@usask.ca) (GRAD)
  3. Jessica Welsh-Howe (Treasurer, j.welshhowe@usask.ca) (GRAD)
  4. Amelia Murray (Secretary, a.murray@usask.ca) (GRAD)
  5. Nichole-Lynn Stoll (Member-at-large, nichole.stoll@usask.ca) (GRAD)
  6. Prakash Sapkota (GSA Alternate Councillor, kfs364@usask.ca (GRAD)