Please note: Social Club ratification is valid from September - August of each academic year. Social Club's must re-ratify every academic year.
A Social Group must:
- Exist for the betterment of its members.
- Use any membership fees and money for the objectives outlined in the constitution of the Social Group.
- Elect its executive in a democratic fashion following the procedure in its
constitution. - Hold elections at least once per year.
- Hold public meetings.
- Make its governing documents public to its membership and the Association.
- Not exist for the financial betterment of its members.
- Not be named in a manner that violates any obscenity or copyright legislation.
- Not exist for the purpose of discrimination or harassment of any group.
- Be inclusive to any GSA Member.
Ratified Social Groups may have the privilege of:
- Booking the GSA Commons, as per the Association booking procedures.
- Applying to the Association for funding, following the Social Group Funding Policy, and in accordance with the Bylaws and Policies of the Association.
- Advertising news and events through the Association, with the approval of the Executive.
- Being indemnified by the GSA Commons liability insurance for certain events
and activities
To be ratified, Social Groups must;
- Have more than 50 % of its total membership be GSA Members.
- Have more than 50 % of its executive be GSA Members.
- Have members from more than one Academic Council.
- Have completed and submitted an application for ratification, which identifies:
- The official name of the Social Group.
- The names and NSIDs of the Social Group’s executive.
- The Social Group executive who are GSA Members.
- The percentage of Social Group members who are GSA Members.
- Have submitted an up-to-date copy of their constitution, which includes:
- An outline of the Social Group’s mission, purpose, structure, and
regulations. - The official name of the Social Group.
- The policies and procedures for democratic elections of Social Group
executive. - The financial procedures and policies of the Social Group.
- An outline of the Social Group’s mission, purpose, structure, and
- Have submitted a void-cheque.
Please attach a void cheque as well as the constitution of your Social Club to this application.
The above documents must be submitted or mailed to the GSA Main Office.
Attention: GSA Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs
1337 College Dr, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W6
Monday-Friday 9 AM - 7:30 PM
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