Please note: Social Club ratification is valid from September - August of each academic year. Social Club's must re-ratify every academic year. 


A Social Group must:

  • Exist for the betterment of its members.
  • Use any membership fees and money for the objectives outlined in the constitution of the Social Group.
  • Elect its executive in a democratic fashion following the procedure in its
  • Hold elections at least once per year.
  • Hold public meetings.
  • Make its governing documents public to its membership and the Association.
  • Not exist for the financial betterment of its members.
  • Not be named in a manner that violates any obscenity or copyright legislation.
  • Not exist for the purpose of discrimination or harassment of any group.
  • Be inclusive to any GSA Member.

Ratified Social Groups may have the privilege of:

  • Booking the GSA Commons, as per the Association booking procedures.
  • Applying to the Association for funding, following the Social Group Funding Policy, and in accordance with the Bylaws and Policies of the Association.
  • Advertising news and events through the Association, with the approval of the Executive.
  • Being indemnified by the GSA Commons liability insurance for certain events
    and activities

To be ratified, Social Groups must;

  • Have more than 50 % of its total membership be GSA Members.
  • Have more than 50 % of its executive be GSA Members.
  • Have members from more than one Academic Council.
  • Have completed and submitted an application for ratification, which identifies:
    • The official name of the Social Group.
    • The names and NSIDs of the Social Group’s executive.
    • The Social Group executive who are GSA Members.
    • The percentage of Social Group members who are GSA Members.
  • Have submitted an up-to-date copy of their constitution, which includes:
    • An outline of the Social Group’s mission, purpose, structure, and
    • The official name of the Social Group.
    • The policies and procedures for democratic elections of Social Group
    • The financial procedures and policies of the Social Group.
  • Have submitted a void-cheque.

To ratify your Social Group, fill and sign this form.

Please attach a void cheque as well as the constitution of your Social Club to this application.

The above documents must be submitted or mailed to the GSA Main Office. 

Attention: GSA Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs

1337 College Dr, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W6

Monday-Friday 9 AM - 7:30 PM




Nepalese Students' Assoc.

  1. Deepa Subedi (President) 
  2. Avishek Sapkota (VP Operations) 
  3. Bashu Gautam (VP Finances) 
  4. Shashank Karki (VP Sports) 
  5. Saluja Karki (VP Student Affairs) 
  6. Deeksha Sharma (VP Event Mgmt.) 
  7. Nirpesh Dhakal (VP Public Relations)

Tox on Tap

  1. Emily Kennedy 
  2. Hannah Mahoney


  1. Josh Edbert (President)
  2. Kristi Lee Stewart (VP/Treasurer)
  3. Odette Wills (VP/Events)
  4. Cherise Babooram (Secretary)

Bangladeshi Students’ Association University of Saskatchewan (BSAUS)

  1. Ankon Das (President)
  2. Saumendu Roy (VP administration)
  3. Sara Nath (VP Finance)
  4. Fahima Khundhker (VP Culture)
  5. Saad Mostafiz (VP Sports)
  6. Abora Ishrat Sheikh (VP Events)
  7. Asma Ul Hosna (VP Communication)

University of Saskatchewan Working for Inclusivity in Chemical Sciences, Engineering, and Technology (USASK-WIC)

  1. Syeda Tahira Hasan (Chair) 
  2. Mehrnaz Mikhchian (VP Graduate/Postdoc)
  3. Emjay Koller (VP Undergraduate)
  4. Nasrin Aliasgharlou (Secretary)
  5. Priyadarshani Disanayaka Mudiyanselage (Treasurer)
  6. Giao (Communication and Social outreach)
  7. Renita D'Souza (Events Coordinator)
  8. Claudia De Avila Braga (Academic Liaison)
  9. Farah Mustafa (Seminar Series Coordinator)
  10. Anne Oliveira (Industrial Liaison)