2025 Winter Bursary applications open March 3, 2025 at 8:30 AM.
We encourage those who were unsuccessful in previous applications to apply again.
- To find this screen in PAWS, go to Tuition & Fees → Account Detail by Term → Check Winter 2025 radio button → Submit;
- Right-click on the page and select ‘Print Page’;
Please ensure your name and student number are visible on the page.
- A copy of your up-to-date unofficial transcripts (as a PDF):
- To find this screen in PAWS, go to My Records → Proof of Grades → Unofficial Academic Transcript;
- Under 'Transcript Level' select 'Graduate Studies Level';
- Under 'Transcript Type' select 'Unofficial' and click 'Submit';
- In the upper right-hand corner, click the 'Print' icon.
- One letter of support (as a PDF) from your supervisor, or a faculty member in your department which lists your previous funding sources, describes efforts to acquire additional funding, and explains any extenuating circumstances associated with delayed completion of your program (if applicable). The reference letter must be on institutional letterhead.
Each bursary recipient will receive $1,000.00.
Applicants must not have been awarded a GSA bursary in the previous 12 months. For example, if you were awarded a bursary in Winter 2024, you cannot apply for a bursary until Winter 2025.
Students who are currently enrolled in thesis-based Masters or PhD, or in course- based/project-based Masters programs are eligible to apply. Those who are in graduate certificate, or post-graduate diploma or certificate programs are not eligible to apply. Those who are accepted into programs, but who are not yet enrolled are not eligible to apply.
Current/previous GSA Executives or current/previous member of the Bursary Selection Committee are not eligible.
Applicants must have an active social insurance number (SIN).
The Graduate Students' Association Bursaries Selection Committee will be chaired by the VP Finance and Operations, and will include the VP Academic and Student Affairs and a minimum of three (3) GSA Councilors. Bursary applicants may not sit on the committee. A new Bursary Selection Committee will be convened for each academic year. There can only be one representative from any given department.
All graduate students are encouraged to apply; however, preference will be given to students in the following situations:
Students who are ineligible for major scholarships.
Students who have exhausted the funding for their program.
Students in need of childcare services.
Students who have demonstrated financial need, good community involvement and strong academic performance.
You may refer to the following resources for more information: